The Commons Library breifing that details changes in Unemployment Benefit Claims based on constituency has once again been updated, and now details up to January 2021.
A Commons Library briefing has been released detailing the changes various government bodies made to social security measures in reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic, alongside the plans for their withdrawal post-crisis and economic recovery.
Following up on their Financial Lives Survey, the Financial Conduct Authority had set forward expectations of companies to help ensure that vulnerable customers recieve fair treatment and achieve outcomes relative to other customers.
After almost five years, the case regarding whether or not the Drivers operating under Uber were legally “Workers” or “Customers” has been resolved by way of a Supreme Court ruling.
Built upon a foundation set by the NHS’s “Long Term Plan”, the White Paper seeks to improve both the Health Care and the Social Care systems through various innovations and integrations.
The breifing shows an increase in both the number of food banks, and the number of emergency food parcels they are each distributing.
Last year, the FCA conducted not just their biannual “Financial Lives” survey, but also a new Covid-19 panel survey.
As part of Touchbase, a government newsletter designed to gather related announcements and make them easily available to the public in a clear manner, DWP has announced they will no longer be able to provide payments via the Post Office card account system.
The statistics compare data from before the pandemic to now, after a year of various levels of lockdown, in addition to differences between the third and final quarters of 2020.
The bill primarily focuses on those aged over 16 in England. Section 9 of the bill signposts support available in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.