This note discusses the process by which National Insurance numbers (NINOs) are allocated and the uses to which they are put, before discussing the background to the introduction of the ‘Right to Work’ test for individuals requiring a NINO for employment purposes.
Post Office Card Accounts are to be extended for another year in order to safely move existing users over to traditional bank accounts or a new Payment Exception Service.
The CCSF was targeted at small and medium sized community organisations delivering activities and support to people affected by the COVID-19 crisis. A total of £199m was allocated to the CCSF and £187m was distributed after administration and evaluation costs had been deducted. It was funded through the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and The National Lottery Community Fund (The Fund) was appointed to manage and distribute the funding.
People who find it difficult to access online services will receive dedicated help from HMCTS’s new national digital support service.
Social landlords should adopt a zero-tolerance approach to damp and mould, says our new report published today. Addressing damp and mould needs to be a higher priority for landlords, states the report, with a change in culture from reactive to proactive in order to improve the experience of residents.
A new report by the Chartered institute of Housing (CIH) and the Centre for Homelessness Impact highlights that money spent on housing support could be used more effectively:
No. There is no age at which it’s unlawful for siblings to share a bedroom, including siblings of opposite sexes.
There isn’t a statutory minimum bedroom size which applies across all housing circumstances.
This paper outlines the measures taken in England to support rough sleepers during the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. It discusses the impact of these measures and stakeholder comment.
This note sets out information on the levels and rates of poverty in the UK, including historical trends and forecasts for future years in light of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as poverty by employment status, tenure, ethnic group, disability, region, and constituency.