Taking too much? The experience of benefit deductions to pay for energy and other debts

A small collection of copper coins in a neat stack upon a table

If they do fall into debt, one way people on Universal Credit can manage their repayments is through third party deductions. This means that if someone is in debt to their energy supplier, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) takes money directly from their benefit payment and gives it to the energy supplier. People using deductions pay a fixed amount each week to cover their debt and a further amount to cover their ongoing energy usage.

2.8m people with mental health problems fell into council tax debt during pandemic — and need extra support from councils ahead of further rises in bills

A small collection of copper coins in a neat stack upon a table

The new research by Money and Mental Health shows that people with mental health problems have been hit particularly hard financially during the pandemic, with two in five suffering a drop in income, and three in ten cutting back on essentials such as food and heating to make ends last year.

Employers more supportive of caring, but carers still at risk of leaving work unless more measures adopted

72% of unpaid carers worry about juggling work and care
53% of working carers say returning to workplace will be more challenging
12% of working carers are at risk of reducing or giving up work if they are not allowed to work from home
One in five carers at risk of reducing or giving up work without social care