Homelessness in England is at a record high and is continuing to rise. Across the country expensive, damp, crumbling homes are making people sick and holding them back. This is a result of us not building enough social homes for decades. This report sets out the huge overall scale of homelessness in England in 2024 – and the areas where homelessness is most acute.
The new research by Age UK shows how elderly people with chronic health and significant care needs aren’t receiving funding for CHC.
The report outlines eligibility for the funding. With recipients mainly falling under three categories: people at or near end of life; frail older people with complex physical or psychological needs; and people aged 18 and above with long-term healthcare needs.
Prevention is a central feature of the new Government’s mission-led approach to national renewal. Our joint publication makes the case for a shift towards taking action and offering support earlier, so that more people can live the lives they want. This creates a new opportunity to deliver.
The Big Mental Health Report is for anyone looking for trusted information on how mental health problems affect people in England and Wales.
An estimated third of the UK population live with allergies. Campaigners have called for improvements to NHS care, including more specialists, better training in primary care, and easier access to medication for those affected. The government has said that work is ongoing on a national strategy for allergies, and it will be considering whether to appoint a national allergy lead.
The Independent Review of Carer’s Allowance takes its next step to supporting unpaid carers by publishing its terms of reference
This IFS Pensions Review report sets out issues with the current means-tested benefit system for those approaching the state pension age and beyond.
CPAG’s annual Cost of a Child report looks at how much it costs families to provide a minimum socially acceptable standard of living for their children. It is calculated using the Minimum Income Standard (MIS) research, carried out by the Centre for Research in Social Policy at Loughborough University for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
This briefing outlines the various options open to an individual who needs legal assistance in relation to their employment rights.
Explore constituency-level data on state pensioners claiming Pension Credit in Great Britain using our interactive dashboard.