After the WCA: Competing visions of disability and welfare

After several near misses, the era of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) may be coming to a close. In March 2023, the Conservative Government proposed that the WCA would be scrapped, replaced by a
new system that relies instead on the assessment for disability-related extra costs within Personal Independence Payment (PIP). But exactly what comes next? And will it be better than the WCA?

Tackling housing debt and eviction

six monopoly houses, with three coins in front

The loss of a home through eviction, and subsequent consequences, can be financially and emotionally devastating. The cost-of-living crisis has placed new financial pressures on low-income households. This research identifies ways to avoid eviction proceedings through measures that improve meaningful communication between those in housing debt, housing providers, and advice services.

An ‘interface first’ bureaucracy: Interface design, universal credit and the digital welfare state

The front-line of the welfare state is increasingly not a letter, phone call or face-to-face visit, but an online user-interface. This ‘interface first’ bureaucracy is a fundamental reshaping of social security administration, but the design and operation of these interfaces is poorly understood. Drawing on interview data from senior civil servants, welfare benefits advisors and claimants on the UK’s flagship Universal Credit working-age benefit, this paper is a detailed analysis of the role played by interfaces in the modern welfare state.

Old age tendencies – the impact of tax and benefit changes on intergenerational fairness ahead of the 2024 general election

In this Spotlight we look at the impact of spending, tax and benefit decisions taken since 2010 through the lens of intergenerational fairness. What stands out in this context is the increase in the generosity of the State Pension, which has led to a £44 billion increase in spending, benefiting older age groups. By contrast, working-age households have seen benefits cut. And although recent cuts to National Insurance (NI) have offset the extent to which policy decisions have tended to favour older age groups, it is clear that households with children have been left worse off by tax and benefit changes made since 2010.

Ratchets, retrenchment and reform – The social security system since 2010

Spending on social security as a share of GDP has risen slightly since the financial crisis, but the system in Great Britain has undergone profound change over the same time. Large-scale structural reforms have fundamentally altered the system’s rules for working-age families, while working-age benefits have been both cut back and then not fully indexed in line with inflation. In contrast, support for pensioners has been not just protected but bolstered.

How the UK’s social security system stopped tackling poverty

The cost of living is the most important issue for many voters this election. It’s no surprise why. In 2022, nearly 4 million people in the UK experienced destitution, meaning they could not meet their basic physical needs such as having enough to eat and staying warm.

The UK’s social security system is failing in its core purpose to prevent poverty. And yet the Conservatives have promised more crackdowns on welfare, with the prime minister linking this with his pledge to lower taxes.

Disability benefits: lessons from the front line

The disability benefits system is broken. It has not adapted to a world where disability and ill health are more prevalent, and more complex in terms of the variation of impact on people’s lives or the support that could help. Despite rising caseloads, disabled people, and people with long-term health problems, are too often not getting the support they need.

Under strain – Investigating trends in working-age disability and incapacity benefits

The benefits bill is frequently the subject of intense political debate. But since the pandemic, working-age health-related benefits have moved centre-stage in these discussions, as policy makers aim to understand what sits behind the historical rise in claims, and to contain future pressures too. In this briefing note – part of our Election 2024 work but also the first from a new Resolution Foundation research programme examining how disability, ill-health and the economy intersect – we investigate trends in working-age disability and incapacity benefits, asking what really sits behind the numbers that are understandably causing concern in Britain today.