The formation of Integrated Care Systems as part of the Government’s plan to integrate health and social care ought to be an opportunity for a once-in-a-generation improvement in the quality of social care provision.
Estimates of fraud and error levels in the benefit system in Great Britain in the financial year 2021 to 2022.
This sets out our plan to address the challenge of fraud, to stay ahead of evolving threats, and to reduce the levels of fraud and error in the welfare system.
This briefing outlines the legal and policy background to the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 and provides an overview of the main provisions in the new Act.
Does the government’s health mission measure up?
Equal access for all should be at the heart of services, Ombudsman says
Constituency-level data on child poverty
A £600 million plan to fight fraud in the welfare system will introduce a range of new powers and boost the counter-fraud frontline, saving the taxpayer £2 billion over three years.
Statistics on the number of sanctions imposed on people who receive JSA, ESA (WRAG), IS or Universal Credit.
A Budgeting Loan is to help pay for essential things or services. These easy read guides explain how they work, who can apply and how to apply.