Supported Housing Improvement Programme will help councils in worst-affected areas tackle bad quality and poor value for money in supported housing.
This briefing paper explains the duty on private landlords to protect tenants’ deposits. It discusses ongoing issues with tenancy deposit protection and proposed reforms in England.
This briefing gives an overview of rising prices, particularly food, energy and fuel prices, including the effect of the conflict in Ukraine. It outlines Government support as well as how inflation, interest rates and other policies which will affect household budgets.
Guidance on getting an extra payment to help with the cost of living if you’re entitled to certain benefits or tax credits.
Eddie Hughes announces new panel of experts to advise on the best approach for dealing with anti-social behaviour from tenants who suffer from mental health issues, or drug and alcohol dependency.
This paper covers how leaseholders in flats can gain consent to home adaptations. It covers the issue of adaptations in the common parts of residential buildings.
The Government intends to make landlords’ blanket bans on letting to people in receipt of benefits illegal. This paper explains the issues behind ‘No DSS’ adverts.
The last few years have been extraordinarily tough. The pandemic left 1.8 million people in Scotland financially worse off, and even before the most recent increase in the energy price cap one in three people found their bills unaffordable. Now people are faced with a perfect storm of soaring prices and flat or falling incomes, which risks sweeping tens of thousands of people across the country into poverty, problem debt, and destitution.
This report, the 14th in an annual series, takes a long view of what has happened to household incomes in Britain over recent decades, what has driven periods of growth and stagnation, and the lessons that need to be learned if Britain is to return to stronger income growth in the decade ahead.
The Mid-life MOT is a review for workers in their 40s and 50s that helps them take stock of their finances, skills and health, and enables them to better prepare for their retirement and build financial resilience.