A list of the benefit rates and pension rates for 2023 to 2024.
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for Wednesday 23 November on social security support for children. The debate will be opened by Anum Qaisar MP.
How to ask DWP to review the decision you must repay a hardship payment.
The link between money and mental health is well established; money worries can make existing mental health problems worse or cause new ones. As part of the Adult Financial Wellbeing Survey, the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) looked at the groups most affected by mental health problems and how their financial wellbeing is impacted.
Black and minority ethnic people are disproportionately falling faster and further below the poverty line amidst the cost of living crisis.
This paper provides figures for the number of people claiming unemployment benefits (the “claimant count”) for the UK and by parliamentary constituency.
These experimental statistics cover the number of claims, starts, people, and households on Universal Credit.
Statistics on the number of sanctions imposed on people who receive JSA, ESA (WRAG), IS or Universal Credit.
New research from StepChange and Amplified Global™ shows two in three StepChange clients surveyed felt they could have been referred to debt advice sooner by their creditors, underlining the need for earlier intervention, constructive communication, and proactive signposting to debt advice.
Carers UK urges new Prime Minister not to push people providing round-the-clock care further into poverty
Cutting back on food and heating is putting the health of carers and the older and disabled people they support at risk