Work Capability Assessment outcomes, appeals and mandatory reconsiderations for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) claims.
Statistics on local authorities’ use of Discretionary Housing Payment funds.
A benefit sanction – withdrawal of benefit or a reduction in the amount of benefit paid for a certain period – may be imposed if a claimant is deemed not to have complied with a work-related condition for receiving the benefit in question.
Legal aid is fundamental to upholding the Rule of Law
Millions of us are reliant on a legal aid system that is chronically underfunded and understaffed – and it has been getting noticeably worse for years.
Thousands more people will get access to early legal help over the next 2 years after the government announced £12 million of new grant funding
Analysis published by the Health Foundation’s REAL Centre has found that over the decade before the pandemic, the UK spent around a fifth (18%) less on average than the EU14 on day-to-day health care costs (per person living in the country).
The State of Caring Survey is the UK’s most comprehensive research into the lives and experience of carers
More than 1 in 5 (22%) older people are already reducing or stopping spending on medications or specialist foods or expect to do so in the coming months, and 1 in 7 (15%) are skipping meals or expect to do so over the same period
Fazilet Hadi, Head of Policy at Disability Rights UK, considers how Disabled people’s organisations can harness their power and expertise to improve how health and care services work with Disabled people.
The mismatch between the homes we have, and the homes we need, is stark.
Currently, 91% of homes do not provide even the most basic accessibility features. The problem is that houses are usually designed with only the first occupants in mind, not the multitude of people who will call it home across its lifespan.