Housing needs of young people

six monopoly houses, with three coins in front

The number of young adults who own a home in the UK has fallen in recent decades. More families in England and Wales had adult children living with them in 2021 compared to 10 years earlier. Barriers to home ownership included increased property prices relative to incomes. Think tanks have considered whether alternative housing policies would help more young people get onto the property ladder. The government has also introduced various schemes aimed at supporting home ownership.

An unfair share: Local Housing Allowance is failing young people

For many young people, the benefits system is based on a fiction. It is asking them to rent homes that literally do not exist. In this report, we consider the design, operation and impact of the Shared Accommodation Rate (SAR), ie the rate of housing cost support available to benefit claimants under 35 years old, if they are single and do not have children.

Pushed Under, Pushed Out, The Link Between Debt, Poverty & Living Standards

One in five of us in the UK live in poverty and, until today, very little was known about the impact that debt can have on poverty and living standards1. Christians Against Poverty (CAP), a national debt help charity, has partnered with the Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) at the University of Loughborough to explore the interaction between living standards, debt and the persistent nature of inadequate income.

‘Work first’ can work better

A top-down perspective of a formally dressed individual pointing at their laptop screen

‘Work first’ is a core idea that underpins the UK’s employment and welfare systems, and effective ‘work first’ orientated systems have long-term, paid employment as the primary goal for people interacting with them. This is the right objective, but with work entry rates for unemployed benefit claimants falling, health-related inactivity rising sharply and millions of people not claiming benefits locked out of support, urgent improvement is needed to reach it.

Illustrating the relationship between poverty and NHS services

Currently it is estimated that more than one in five people in the UK are living in poverty. Living in poverty has a profound impact on people’s health and how they use NHS services. From greater prevalence of a wide range of diseases and difficulties in accessing health care, to later treatment and worse health outcomes, poverty affects every stage of the patient journey.